

Solution Study

Monday, September 29

03:30 PM - 04:00 PM

Live in Berlin

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To develop complex applications, you need to rely on a reliable and versatile middleware that performs all the internal plumbing for you. Whether we speak about data streams acquisition, temporal coherence or state-of-the-art data fusion and reading policies, you need to free yourself from all the usual pain points where most of the OEMs and Tier1 suffer.

Indeed, the ability to quickly design the entire reliable software stack from rapid prototyping to production with limited efforts and risks is becoming a key enabler for SDV developers. Based on our 25 years of experience in the automotive industry, and above all our last 3 years project to certify our middleware against ISO26262, we would like to give the audience feedback on the challenges and the costs to develop complex applications that target production, to avoid reinventing the wheel, again.

This session will answer questions such as:

  • What are the main challenges when it comes to developing a reliable real-time system for production
  • How much effort and costs are involved to certify a software architecture of a complex real-time system against ISO26262
  • Why is choosing the right middleware, one of the most critical decisions to make as a project manager


Gwenael Dunand

Chief Technology Officer, Intempora

Gwenael Dunand studied signal processing and software engineering at INP Grenoble institute. He worked 5 years for CEA (Atomic Energy Commission) as software engineer in the nuclear fusion domain, then joined Intempora in 2011 where he worked on RTMaps core product. In 2017 he has been appointed deputy CTO and later became product owner of the new “Path to production” project, coordinating the team in charge to rewrite and certify Intempora’s flagship product as an automotive grade middleware ISO26262 ASIL-B. Today, he manages a large part of the development team and projects as CTO of Intempora.



Intempora S.A has over 20 years of expertise in providing advanced and innovative software development solutions for complex real-time applications which play an essential role in robotics, railway, logistics, ADAS and autonomous vehicles. Since 2020 Intempora is a dSPACE company and aims to provide an end-to-end toolchain for data-driven and automated driving development. RTMaps is currently going to ISO26262 certification to bridge the gap from rapid prototyping to production with a unique and seamless framework tool.
