

Monday, September 29

02:30 PM - 04:00 PM

Live in Berlin

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Anne Stockem Novo

Professor Applied Artificial Intelligence, Ruhr West University of Applied Sciences (HRW)

Anne Stockem Novo is a professor for „Applied Artificial Intelligence” at Ruhr West University for Applied Sciences in Mülheim a.d. Ruhr and Bottrop (Germany). Her research field is Deep Learning for Automated Driving with focus on Physics-Informed Neural Networks and Uncertainty Aware modelling. Before, she was the function owner for the “Lane Change Assist” at ZF Automotive Germany GmbH and worked as function developer Machine Learning in the Behavioral Functions team for Automated Driving.

The Pop in Your Job – What drives you? Why do you love your job?
Working with and guiding interesting young people on their way of exploring the possibilities of using Computer Sciences and Artificial Intelligence in everyday life.


Ruhr West University of Applied Sciences (HRW)

Ruhr West University of Applied Sciences (HRW) was founded in 2009 and has been undergoing a dynamic growth process ever since with the aim of promoting structural change in the Ruhr region. The strategic goals are to promote an entrepreneurial mindset, excellent teaching, innovation, networking and sustainability.
