
Margriet van Schijndel

Program Director Responsible Mobility, TU Eindhoven

Program manager Responsible Mobility, at EAISI (Eindhoven AI Systems Institute, as part of Eindhoven University of Technology)
Within the Program Responsible Mobility, TU/e combines a diversity of expertise for solving societal challenges on sustainable, inclusive safe and efficient transport. Thematic scope:
* Safe, clean and energy efficient mobility; vehicle level & system level
* Efficient logistics, incorporating new vehicle concepts
* Human behavior, acceptance
* Accelerating energy and mobility transitions through integral, multidisciplinary research

Since 2021, Executive Board Member CCAM Partnership, leading Cluster 5 Key enabling Technologies
Since 2022, member of the Delegation to the Partnership Board, 2Zero Partnership

2013-2020 EARPA Secretary General, since then Foresight Group leader on Connectivity, Automation, Safety

Educated as mechanical engineer, TU/e
Worked at TNO from 2001 - 2019, mainly in the field of automotive, safety of road mobility.


TU Eindhoven

EAISI brings together all AI activities of the TU/e. Top researchers from various departments and research groups work together to create new and exciting AI applications with a direct impact on the real world. All this in close collaboration with our students and representatives from industry. EAISI is an institute where 300 academic staff and 600 PhD candidates do fundamental and applied research on the combination of and interaction between the domains of Data & Algorithms, Engineering Systems, and Humans & Ethics. EAISI focuses on AI systems where the physical, digital, and human worlds come together and aims to get to a better understanding, better designs, better models, and better decisions in the application areas of Health, Mobility, and Industry. Within the Program Responsible Mobility, TU/e combines a diversity of expertise for solving societal challenges on sustainable, inclusive safe and efficient transport. Thematic scope: * Safe, clean and energy efficient mobility; vehicle level & system level * Efficient logistics, incorporating new vehicle concepts * Human behavior, acceptance * Accelerating energy and mobility transitions through integral, multidisciplinary research